Coaches Information
Registration Info
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Payment Info
CHECK MADE OUT TO Foster High School/ Memo-Cheer
Mailed to
Foster High School, c/o Tracy Robnett/Breanna Adamiak /CHEER
4242 S 144th St | Tukwila, WA 98i68
No Refunds!
Coaches Hospitality & Team Area Info
CHECK IN - Upon arrival, please go to coaches check in. If you have any changes to your numbers please let them know immediately at that time especially if it affects your division. You will received your wrist bands for registered coaches at this time as well. This will give you access to the warm up room and gym.
REC WAIVERS -Rec teams will need to turn in required waivers at this time.
TEAM AREA - After you check in, an FHS cheerleaders/parent will guide you and your team to your designated area. Teams will have this space to keep their items and be a team space.
ATHLETIC TRAINER - We will have our Athletic Trainer on site during the competition. The trainer will either be in the gym or drama classroom which is located across from the gym.
SCORESHEETS - Scoresheets are now electronic and will be emailed out with email coach registered with. Scores will be emailed out after each awards session have concluded.
DEDUCTION SHEET -REQUIRED FOR PICK- Please remember to check your email from your deduction sheet from Tech Judges promptly after your performance. If you receive deduction and wish not to appeal please let the judges know asap.
CHANGE IN DIVISION - Please email if your division changes prior to competition day. If changes occur day of please let registration table know asap. It is up to coaches to confirm your team is in the correct division on the schedule. Please remember if you tumble in a non-tumble category you will be moved to a tumbling division (Refer to rubric for clarification).
ANY QUESTIONS? - Please email if you have ANY QUESTIONS. Our goal is to make your experience the least stressful and most fun! We cant wait for you to Bow Up with Us!
Warm Up Room & Music
Only dressed cheerleaders & coaches with name bands will be allowed in the warmup area. Name bands will be given at Coaches Registration (max of 3 coaches per team).
Only teams during their designated times will be allowed in warm up area in FHS Aux Gym. Warm ups can be stressful for enough so we try to provide as much privacy and less distraction to ease the already high stress level. During warm ups please also be mindful and respectful of others warming up their teams. Please avoid playing your own music and loud props until your full mat warm up time.
For warmups, you will have a check in time 5 minutes before your stretching time. This will be located near registration. Only teams and coaches that are warming up will be allowed past check in location.
Warm ups will be the following
5 min stretch 1-2 mats
5 min warm up stunts/tumbling - 2-3 mats
5 min hold
5 min full 9 panel floor with music
*Please let parents know only coaches (with coach wristbands given at registration) and cheerleaders in uniform will be allowed past registration. This area will include athlete locker rooms, training room, warm up room and where teams go to find a seat. This is for the safety of the cheerleaders.
Please bring music on your phone to plug into our system. iPhone is preferred.
Iphone adapter will be provided. Any other adapters coaches will need to provide.
You can test music prior to start time or during breaks